Kansept Cassowary: Little Flipper Knife with a Big Name!

Published: 8 months ago

By "Google Authority" I found that this little folder is named after a large, flightless, and somewhat dangerous bird! Well, with the available handle materials this little bolster lock does share some of the flamboyant features, at least in colors. Very solid and a candidate, perhaps, for the fifth pocket?
Check it out! Primo and slick little knife!


Kansept Cassowary at Kansept Knives: https://www.kanseptknives.com/collections/cassowary-k2065

Cassowary at Knifecenter: https://www.knifecenter.com/series/kansept-knives/kansept-knives-cassowary-flippers

Cassowary at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/KANSEPT-Cassowary-Stonewashed-Excellent-K2065A2/dp/B0CZ3V8FVZ?th=1