Ultem Madness! Love It? Hate It? Crazy Amber Knife Handle PEI

Published: 1 year ago

Yes, well, generically known as PEI or "Polyethylenimine" but best known under the brand name, "Ultem," we've seen plenty of it on so many new knife model to come along over the past couple years, even on some customs.

Do you Love It? ...or, are you simply sick of seeing it? Weigh In!
Check out my collection of seven blades here with Ultem handles from various makers and manufacturers all with different looks!

Here's a good article at Blade HQ on Ultem from March 2022: https://www.bladehq.com/blog/the-ultem-ate-handle-material/

Knives Shown in this video:

Civivi Propugnator
Compliance Edge Copperhead
Kubey Bluff
Civivi Vision FG
D Rocket Zulu OTF
Twosun TS433
Civivi Bulltusk