Vosteed Dachsund: New High End Flipper Bar Lock Knife
Published: 11 months ago
The Vosteed folks do occasionally put out some really sweet higher end folders of premium materials and this is cerrtainly one of those! Milled and blacked out Titanium and M390 steel blade. This is an extremely smooth action folder, so check it out!
Vosteed Dachshund at Vosteed Knives: https://www.vosteed.com/products/dachshund-a1201
Vosteed Dachshund at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=vosteed+dachshund
*** Don't forget! When Shopping at White Mountain Knives be sure to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order!
Vosteed Dachshund at Vosteed Knives: https://www.vosteed.com/products/dachshund-a1201
Vosteed Dachshund at White Mountain Knives: https://whitemountainknives.com/search/search-results/?search_query=vosteed+dachshund
*** Don't forget! When Shopping at White Mountain Knives be sure to use my discount code, "OldSword" for 10% off your order!