A tale of two Bokers: Manufaktur Solingen vs. Manufaktur Germany

Published: 4 years ago

Boker is an old and respected German knife maker. They have several brands, including Boker Magnum, Boker Plus, Boker Arbolito, and Boker Manufaktur. The latter, however, comes in two forms: Manufaktur Solingen vs. Manufaktur Germany. The Solingen imprint means that the knife is hand-made in Solingen, Germany and is of high quality. But what about "Manufaktur Germany?" I can find nothing, on the knives or elsewhere, to demonstrate that they are actually German made. My best guess is that they are assembled in Germany of non-German components. That doesn't make them bad, but they are not at the same level as the Solingen knives. Be aware which you are buying.