An Easy Tip to Keep Your Knives Sharp Without Any Tools

Published: 2 years ago

Ever find yourself away from home with nothing sharp in sight? Use this trick the next time your edge-illiterate friend (or parent, or SO) asks you to help prep some vegetables.

All you need is a ceramic mug with an unglazed bottom rim. Flip the mug upside down and use it like a whetstone or ceramic rod. I've used this trick countless times over the years, and it's come in very handy for me. The unglazed ceramic acts very similarly to a 1k-1.5k ceramic stone

Just be aware, you won't be doing any serious sharpening with this, but light to medium touchups are possible. It took me about 30 seconds to take this fairly dull edge back to receipt paper slicing.

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DISCLAIMER: this is not, nor will ever be, a viable primary sharpening option! Only use this as a last-option method!