Gilding the Lily: a Review of the Wilkins Titanium Scales for the Spyderco Delica

Published: 8 years ago

Today, I'm going to review a set of Wilkins Titanium Grips for a known Gem, the Spyderco Delica. Although they're nicely made, and fit the Delica like a glove, they almost double the Delica's weight, and triple the Delica's price.

So, if you want a Titanium Delica, and you're willing to pay the price in weight and cash, this is a good way to go. But I don't personally see the need, and given the choice between a $240 Titanium Delica and a $65 regular one, I'm going regular all day long.

Also, thanks to my buddy Ian for sending this (along with that awesome Ritter grip with AWT scales) along. He's starting a channel of his own called "tech + tools", and says he's going to be doing knife reviews, so feel free to check him out:

Delica 4 Review:
The Copper PM2 Scales Mentioned here:
The Cost Carry Comfort Curve:

Ian's review of this Delica, the FRN, and the Damascus Delica: