Ask the Nick # 0: Gear Related Questions

Published: 8 years ago

In honor of my impending 2000 subscribers, I asked for questions from my viewers, and now I've got answers!

1) What was your first knife? (0:37)
2) What got me interested in gadgets and gear? (1:10)
3) How often do you change EDC knives? (1:24)
4) How many knives do you purchase in a day/week/month? (2:24)
5) Are you a hard-user of knives? (3:33)
6) What was your worst impluse buy? (4:08)
7) What was your best impulse buy? (4:26)
8) How do you research your purchases? (5:00)
9) How long were you into knives before you bought your first custom, and what was it? (6:26)
10) If you could only keep one knife, what would it be? (7:56)
11) What's your go-to Sharpening Method? (8:30)
12) Will you review automatic knives? (9:55)
13) Spyderco Techno or Delica or Mini-Grip? (11:05)
14) Will you pay full retail for a Nirvana? (12:19)
15) What knives would you love to check out as loaners? (13:09)
16) What're your thoughts on knife laws? (15:11)
17) Do you have a secret passion for the Z-Hunter? (18:17)
18) What's your ideal Z-Hunter? (19:47)

If you want to hear more about the channel and about the Nick, check the second Q&A video, right here:

Here's the "Brief History of Nick's Time" video mentioned here: