Ask the Nick : On Technology, Lasers, IKBS, Knifemaking trends, Countries of Origin, and Firearms

Published: 8 years ago

Today, it's time for another Ask the Nick, answering a few of the many viewer questions, with timestamps below to jump quickly to the questions you give a damn about...

1) Android or Apple? (00:15)
2) Ever thought about a Thinkpad for a laptop? (1:05)
3) Ever thought about laser eye surgery instead of glasses? (2:05)
4) Can you review a McGizmo Haiku? (2:47)
5) What's your background? (3:39)
6) What's your favorite Woody Allen Movie? (4:30)
7) Can you maintain an IKBS knife without taking it apart ever? (5:00)
8) How do you feel about knife trends? (7:16)
9) What do you hope will be the next big trends in knifemaking? (12:22)
10) Do you care where knives are made? (14:57)
11) What are your thoughts on firearms? Do you carry a gun? (16:47)