"I am Nick Shabazz" 20,000 Subscribers Contest/Giveaway - ENTRIES CLOSED

Published: 7 years ago

Today, I'm announcing my 20,000 Subscribers Contest, and hopefully this will lead to a bit more laughter than a conventional giveway. I describe the contest in the video, but here's the playlist of entries (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUmtWgxAY2QD38tAwomXC_rTRZ2xmxh3I) and here are the rules:

1. It must be posted on YouTube and publicly viewable
2. You've gotta let me know where it is, sending me a link to YouTube by email
3. It must be safe-for-work and reasonably family friendly
4. Aim for around five minutes
5. You're welcome to mock me, but this is meant to be fun, so don't target other people or groups of people, trot out ugly stereotypes, or bust out the hate speech.
6. You acknowledge that by posting this, you're giving me permission to use some or all of your video as I choose
7. I have complete and sole discretion to remove from the playlist entries which are too mean-spirited, offensive, or otherwise ugly for the channel
8. If you'd like to declare yourself ineligible for the prizes (because you've got the gear already, etc), I'm happy to have your prize go to a runner-up.