What are the most common knife newbie misunderstandings?

Published: 4 years ago

Today, we'll address seven common knife newbie misunderstandings, and hopefully help you understand the world of cutlery a little better, a little quicker.

# The Misconceptions I'm addressing here are...

00:00 Intro
00:38 "The type of steel is the most important thing!"
05:06 "Damascus steels cut better than anything else!"
07:57 "Stainless steels don't rust!" and "All steels rust!"
11:24 "More expensive knives are better!"
14:47 "Custom knives are the best knives!"
17:54 "Well, if it's in production, I should be able to buy it!"
22:41 "I can learn what I need to from my favorite YouTuber!"