Hey Cutlery Shops: Showcase your shop on my channel! (Round 2)

Published: 4 years ago

Today, I'd like to lay the groundwork for a fun project, to try and get folks familiar with more local businesses. Retailers, here's the form, please submit by December 1st: https://forms.gle/DmDTuY2LqXaQw7TU8

Here's the last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_V_yGc3iQU

Details reposted below:

The Video:
Record a 30-45 second video featuring you and your store, including (at the very least) the following information:
Where you are (City, State, and/or Country)
Some of the brands you’re proud to carry
What makes your store special and unique
Where people can find you online (e.g. website, insta)
Something memorable!
Upload the file to YouTube, or share a URL or public Google Drive link

Eligibility Requirements:
Please be a knife or EDC focused store or retailer
A substantial portion of your business should be cutlery related, across several brands
No brand-associated factory outlets, please
You must have *some* online presence
Videos must be filmed with a horizontal (wide) aspect ratio
Don’t use copyrighted songs, images, or videos
Videos must be 45 seconds MAX

Focus on the cutlery aspects of your business
Focus on why you’re great, not why your competitors are awful
Keep the tone positive, inclusive, and kind
Please make sure it’s audible and watchable!
Make it interesting, memorable and funny!


I’m just going to stitch together what you send me, I will not do any editing for you
I can’t provide tech support
By uploading, you assert that you own the rights to all footage and are giving me permission to post it
I’ll present people in a neutral order
Videos which are difficult to hear, watch, or don’t meet the requirements will be excluded
I reserve the final right to decide which videos are included for whatever reason(s) I see fit
You are not allowed to complain about the manner in which I give you free publicity. I’m doing this in good faith. Please honor that!

Once you’re done…
Submit the video via this Google Form: