Published: 2 years ago

Why people think flashy custom knives look like gas station knives, and why it's an understandable conclusion to come to.

You can actually buy the terrible gas station rainbow scythe knife here, but I wouldn't recommend it as a serious daily cutting tool for obvious reasons. - https://amzn.to/3OGUsYW

DLT Trading New Arrivals - https://dlt.link/2OOHSc9

Blade HQ New Arrivals - https://shrsl.com/36fac

GP Knives New Arrivals - https://shrsl.com/3bzf4

River's Edge Cutlery New Arrivals - https://riversedgecutlery.com/shop-all/?aff=3

Shop Flytanium! Custom parts for your favorite knives! - https://shrsl.com/333ql

Check out these other GREAT retailers! - https://linktr.ee/MCalt


My MOST RECOMMENDED KNIVES all in one place! - https://linktr.ee/MetalComplex


Metal Complex stickers! - https://www.redbubble.com/people/metal-complex/shop?asc=u


The tools, lubricants, flashlights, sharpening equipment, and knife storage I use right here on my channel! - https://www.amazon.com/shop/metalcomplex

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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***DISCLAIMER*** This channel's content is meant for educational purposes only, and encourages the proper/safe use, handling, and understanding of tools.