5 COOL KNIVES That'll Tickle Your Fancy

Published: 2 years ago

Prepare to have your fancy tickled (yikes) with these 5 cool knives!

Kubey Hyde - https://amzn.to/38YTNBQ

WE Speedster - https://shrsl.com/3jij8

Morakniv Robust - https://shrsl.com/3jija

Leatherman Wave - https://shrsl.com/3jije

Other Leatherman multitools - https://shrsl.com/3jijg

Ritter/Hogue RSK MK1 G2 - https://knifeworks.com/doug-ritter-rsk-mk1-g2-knifeworks-exclusive-pre-order/

DLT Trading New Arrivals - https://dlt.link/2OOHSc9

Blade HQ New Arrivals - https://shrsl.com/36fac

Crane's Cutlery New Arrivals - https://cranescutlery.com/shop/?ref=1072

GP Knives New Arrivals - https://shrsl.com/3bzf4

River's Edge Cutlery New Arrivals - https://riversedgecutlery.com/shop-all/?aff=3

Shop Flytanium! Custom parts for your favorite knives! - https://shrsl.com/333ql

Check out these other GREAT retailers! - https://linktr.ee/MCalt


My MOST RECOMMENDED KNIVES all in one place! - https://linktr.ee/MetalComplex


Metal Complex stickers! - https://www.redbubble.com/people/metal-complex/shop?asc=u


The tools, lubricants, flashlights, sharpening equipment, and knife storage I use right here on my channel! - https://www.amazon.com/shop/metalcomplex

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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***DISCLAIMER*** This channel's content is meant for educational purposes only, and encourages the proper/safe use, handling, and understanding of tools.