Our Friend Mike Donated His Entire Knife Collection

Published: 1 year ago

Mike's collection - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UC0mz5K-_zx5ns5-v7r1RjoBP_c1gDGboWxXWWndHSw/edit?usp=sharing

Nick Shabazz and I are collaborating to conduct a charitable gɪveaway in honor of a viewer. So, if you're interested in maybe getting a great knife, and certainly doing a great thing by helping folks who are doing great work. To enter:

1) Make a donation of $25 USD or more directly to the Immune Deficiency Foundation at https://primaryimmune.org/. No other charities will be accepted

2) Email your donation receipt to charity@nickshabazz.com

3) Register your donation in the Google Form at https://forms.gle/5Hcar5U6gQo1zRzn9

4) You’ll be put into the list for the gɪveaway

5) The largest single donation is guaranteed to win the Herman M398 Mantis

6) We’ll pick the winners on 4/22/23
