inside LARGEST Knife Store in the WORLD

Published: 1 year ago

During my time in Tennessee, I knew I had to visit Smoky Mountain Knifeworks, the world’s largest knife store in Sevierville! TC was kind enough to give me a full tour of the 108,000 square-foot building. I only had a few hours to explore but that was simply not enough, one could easily spend a couple of days checking out everything this place had to offer. This was not just a knife store but rather a knife museum! Every inch of every wall was filled with really cool displays including movie knives, vintage knives, collectors knives and much more. Any type of edged weapon or tool you could think of was there, I was absolutely blown away.

Different companies had different sections with workers who had expertise in each section. TC told me that they were trying to make it like a knife show experience, and I was definitely getting that kind of vibe while in there.

I’ll do a couple more videos in the series because there were SO many cool things! I can’t wait to go back.