Stiletto's eBay "Unboxing!" Cold Steel Recon 1, Lawman, & Hold Out

Published: 10 years ago

To all of my fellow "Blade Lovers,"

These are some great eBay purchases, I recently purchased, from an eBay Seller, at way below retail prices. All of these "Brand New" items were up for Auction and I won them. I was, also, trying to get a new "Bead Blasted Espada XL, but was out bid... I won a Large Cold Steel 50/50 Recon 1 Clip, for $24.50, Large Lawman for, $36.00, & Plain Edge Hold Out II for, $31.66. The combined S/H was $10.00. All items were brand new and unused from the same Seller; "Great Buy!"

Often, I find great deals, like this, on either eBay or Amazon. If you're on a "Budget," like most of us, this is a fun and great way to make your "Knife" purchases. But, always do your research on the items that you're interested in, first... There are "Knock-Off" Sellers on eBay and Amazon. So, you need to research the items that you're interested in.

If you like Cold Steel Products, you can go to their Site and research their "Old Catalog Archives" to make sure you're buying the real thing... That would be my advice... Happy Collecting... :)


Stiletto :)