Stiletto's Doug Ritter RSK® MK1-G2 Knifeworks Exclusive - Black / Black

Published: 4 years ago

I absolutely love this one. The quality is off the charts. My SOG Vision is the best fidgeter. But, this one feels the best in hand and has the best folding knife steel (20CV vs CTS-XHP) and is super smooth (the Vision is super smooth, too) and only cost $25.00 more than the SOG Vision. Note: The SOG Vision is made in Taiwan. The Ritter Hogue is U.S.A. made. Bothe are the same size and weight. But, the SOG Vision has the ball-bearing pivot with the flipper opening option; that makes it the better fidgeter. Both, are very high quality folders. But, the Ritter Hogue feels like even higher quality than the SOG Vision. Both, operate just like my Axis-Lock Benchmades. I very highly recommend both for every day carry. Peace, Stiletto :-)