Stiletto's New 2021 GSM Cold Steel Oyabun's 26T & 32AA Limited

Published: 3 years ago

These are the New, 2021. GSM, Cold Steel, Oyabun's, 26T & 32AA Limited, . I give my thoughts on them...


This is some info I found on 4034SS:

Thyssen-Krupp 4034 Knife Steel

The composition of 4034 SS. It's a European SS. It's equivalent is 420HC. According to the chemical composition and the HRC of the steel, the 425M has the following features:

Edge Retention: with a maximum HRC of 54, it means that it does not have great edge retention

Corrosion Resistance: the 4034 steel has a 14% of chromium, which gives the steel great corrosion resistance.

Wear Resistance: 0.5% of carbon grants the 4034 stainless steel a decent wear resistance. But, it’s not good enough.

Sharpness: It is low-end steel with a 54 HRC, its definitely easy to sharpen. But, will not hold a good edge very long.

Toughness: 4034 steel lacks many materials that contribute to superior toughness, like Nickel. Therefore it has a decent toughness due to the Chromium in it.

To me, this sounds like a SS to avoid... Peace, Stiletto :)