Stiletto's Harley-Davidsons

Published: 3 years ago

For those that have wanted to see my Scoots. Here they are. My Big Bike is a 2003, 100 Year, Anniversary Edition, FXSTS Springer Softail; it's the newest and my seventh HD. My Sporty is a 2005, Rubber-Mounted, XL883C/SE1200C, Custom by me; I built it in my Garage.

My Softail is the Bike I think I mentioned I was buying to you Guys... :-) My Sporty I have had since 2007; we have been through Hell and back, together. I will never part with my Sporty. It's like a part of me. And, it's the first Bike I rode after my accident on my old Dyna Super Glide. I built it in 2009.

For nine years, it was my only transportation; it was ridden year round. I bought the Springer to turn into a Sidecar Rig or Hack. :-) These are my Bikes. I might do some riding videos in the future. Peace, Stiletto :-)