Stiletto's 1st Try At Wood Crafting Doing Batoning With His outdoors Blades

Published: 2 years ago

Well, this is my first attempt at doing Bush Crafting. It's uncut. I was on the Sacramento River, in the Sacramento Delta area. It was over 100 degrees. So, I didn't stay too long. And, Jet Skiers sort of ruined my Fishing. :-(

But, I did manage to catch a 16" Striper and a good size Flathead Catfish, using Sardine Cut Bait tied onto a Gamakatsu Hook, with a Slider Rig and a 2oz Ball Weight. And, yes, I did catch and release the Fish.

It was fun but very hot, so I didn't last long before I called it a day. I hope you enjoy this short Video of my day. I didn't make a lot of Videos, as planned, due to the (916) heat. :-) Peace, Stiletto :-)