Stiletto's John Demko AD20S Natural Jade G-10 Install Video
Published: 2 years ago
This is a AD20S Scale Install Video. I purchased a Set of Jade G-10 Scales from the Demko's, in Wampum, PA. for $100. If you don
t know, John Demko is the person that makes all of the Scales. except the Grivory Scales, those are made in Taiwan, for the Demko Custom Shop in Wampum, PA. And, he made these to order, for my Original D-2, Non-Slotted, Clip Blade AD20S. Take a look; they fit perfectly, just like a New Knife. :-)
Are you tired of trying to catch those impossible to catch Online Dealer Drops? :-(
I suggest, instead, find a great used AD20S (the D-2 Models can be had for $300 - $500) for a fair price and make it the way you want it to be. That's my advice. Don't pay twice Retail on the popular Auction Sites for a New One... Don't do it... :-(
Just a thought... :-) Peace, Stiletto :-)
t know, John Demko is the person that makes all of the Scales. except the Grivory Scales, those are made in Taiwan, for the Demko Custom Shop in Wampum, PA. And, he made these to order, for my Original D-2, Non-Slotted, Clip Blade AD20S. Take a look; they fit perfectly, just like a New Knife. :-)
Are you tired of trying to catch those impossible to catch Online Dealer Drops? :-(
I suggest, instead, find a great used AD20S (the D-2 Models can be had for $300 - $500) for a fair price and make it the way you want it to be. That's my advice. Don't pay twice Retail on the popular Auction Sites for a New One... Don't do it... :-(
Just a thought... :-) Peace, Stiletto :-)