Stiletto's 4 Inch Blade Video Series Part 2 Contego's & 391 SOCP's & Fact & Adamas's

Published: 1 year ago

Part ! These are my 4" Blade Benchmade's. I have a lot of love for Benchmade Folders; they are among the very first fast opening and closing Folders I carried. Note: In this Series of Videos I am not including my Bali-Song or Butterfly Knives. Why? Like Auto's I don't carry them, nor are they Legal to carry in my State. But, if you Guys and Gals want to see them, also, let me know in the comments and I will share them with you, too...

But, my Auto's and Bali-Song's or Butterfly Knives I do not carry. Though, if I lived in a State that it was Legal for me to carry them, I would. Afterall, a Bali-Song or Butterfly Knife, in my opinion, along with an OTF Knife, are very safe to use for Utility of Self-Defense. Enjoy! Peace, Stiletto :-)