Unboxing 6 loaned knives from FredTheLug

Published: 20 hours ago

This is an unboxing video for 6 loaned knives from @Fredthelug
Thank you for that Fred!
The unboxing contains the following knives:

1. Benchmade Bugout 535
2. Mantis Gearhead
3. ViperTec Knives Grey Ghost
4. TacRay Horn ZDP189
5. Artisan Cutlery Tylos (ShotShow 23 Special Edition)
6. CJRB Ekko S90V & Ti

For more details and to purchase please use the links below.
Please note that I do not have any affiliate links with any of the manufacturers, but I do have affiliate links with Amazon, and I would really appreciate if u used my links, if u plan to purchase anything from my videos. Also like, comment, share and subscribe to my channel. It would help my small channel grow. Thank you!

Bugout 535 Amazon Link: https://amzn.to/4baYNPA
Mantis Gearhead Link: https://www.mantisknives.com/product-category/gear-head-edc/
ViperTec Knives Grey Ghost Link: https://www.vipertecknives.com/products/grey-ghost-d-a-otf-multiple-blade-styles-available?variant=11720513519663
TacRay Horn Link: https://tacrayknife.com/
Artisan Cutlery Tylos Link: https://artisancutlery.net/products/artisan-cutlery-tylos-1854g-s35vn-blade-titanium-and-marbled-carbon-fiber-handle
CJRB Ekko Link: https://artisancutlery.net/search?options%5Bprefix%5D=last&q=ekko&filter.p.product_type=

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