Old Hickory Fish & Game: Best Budget Kephart OKC Knife Video

Published: 3 years ago

Short video of Ontario Knife Co Small Game and Fish knife featuring Kephart styling. Spear point 1075 HC Blade, Wood coffin shaped scales, Thin blade stock for flexible use, Leather sheath, And made in USA.

This is a great low cost option for light camp knife that is great at food prep, Has slightly flexible spine for cleaning fish, And Great ergos for whittling wood. Available at all OKC online vendors.
knife Center https://www.knifecenter.com/item/OH7024/old-hickory-kephart-style-fish-and-small-game-knife-4-carbon-steel-blade-leather-sheath
OKC Site https://ontarioknife.com/products/old-hickory-outdoor-fish-small-game-knife
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Ontario-Outdoor-Fixed-Handle-Number/dp/B0853C6SPT

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