How to Fix a Sharp Finger Hole - Vox F5.5 and Giant Mouse Biblio

Published: 3 years ago

Sometimes a finger/thumb hole (or "Spydie hole") is so sharp it'll scrape up your nail or even shave off little bits when flicking. The Urban EDC Vox F5.5 and Giant Mouse Ace Biblio are both amazing knives with FANTASTIC flicking action, but both suffered from sharp holes like this. Today we're going to look at a quick and simple way to fix that.

If you're looking to do this mod yourself, you'll definitely need diamond files -- M390 is really hard stuff! Also think about knife safety, and consider taping the edge of the blade while you work!

00:00 Intro
01:08 Background & F5.5
04:35 F5.5 Closeup
05:18 Motivation/Flicking Technique
07:12 Live Biblio Demonstration
13:41 Final Biblio Results

The F5.5 is an exclusive collab from Urban EDC Supply. They actually do a lot of cool collabs like this, so if you'd like to check out similar exclusives and other cool gear -- and also want to help support my channel -- you can use my referral link:
