Brian Brown Knives Yeager-M - Fanatic Edge - Small Details Review

Published: 2 years ago

Today we're taking a small-details look at what I ultimately called "one of the greatest knives ever made": the BBK Yeager-M! Specifically, this is from the second production run done by Reate, and it has been heavily modified by Fanatic Edge. This (along with a Raptor) was sent to me directly by Brian Brown, so huge, HUGE thanks to Brian for letting me check these out! Be sure to check out the Raptor video, too!

You can find Brian at:
Fanatic Edge:

Bearded Gear's excellent interview with Brian Brown:

00:00 Background
01:25 Who Is Brian Brown?
02:10 Yeager-M Background
03:21 What is Fanatic Edge?
04:33 The Blade Size
06:30 The Grind!!!!
08:41 The Tip + Cutting
10:24 Unexpected Recurve
11:04 Plunge Grind Could Be Better
11:54 Pesudo-Choil
12:30 To Flipper Or Not To Flipper
13:28 Ergos: Grips
14:24 No Jimping!
15:04 Ergos: Alternative Grips
15:45 Unexpectedly EXCELLENT Flipper Tab
17:58 The Flicking Action
19:12 The NOISES!
20:18 Early Detent Engagement
21:18 Detent Ball Ramp
22:38 Closing Action
24:18 Bank Vaulty!
24:55 Unique Captive Pivot
26:57 The Back Spacer
28:11 Delightful Maker's Mark Placement
28:45 The Clip & Carry
31:22 Weight Relief & Balance
33:20 Finishing
34:32 Lock Bar Access
34:51 Final Thoughts