What happens when Aerospace Engineers design EDC gear?

Published: 2 weeks ago

These are the slimmest, lightest, and most cleverly-designed EDC products on the market right now, and they're all made in-house here in the USA!

Check out my full small-details overview of *every single product they make*!

And don't forget -- you can save 15% on anything in the store with code "knifenerdery" at checkout!

The tools I use and recommend for disassembly, maintenance, repair, or just nerding out:

Save 15% off my favorite minimalist utility blade knife and ultra-portable EDC pen by using code "knifenerdery" over at Aerocrafted:

Gil-Tek makes some of the other best EDC utility knives out there, and you can use code "knifenerdery" to save 15% off!

Shop at Urban EDC and want to help support my channel? You can use my affiliate link! It doesn't cost you anything, and I'll make a small commission off your order that'll help fund the channel.

If you shop at White Mountain Knives and want to save 10% on basically everything on the site, you can use code "nerd10" at checkout! https://whitemountainknives.com/