2k Subscriber Giveaway WINNER

Published: 2 years ago

HUGE thanks to Urban EDC Supply for donating not just the Nessie in this GAW, but also for running their own concurrent giveaway! All month long (ends 08/31/2022), you can use the code "KNIFENERDERY" at checkout to automatically be entered for a chance to win a second Urban EDC Nessie!! (You can enter multiple times if you make multiple purchases.)


The winner of THAT will be notified automatically by email during the first week of September, and Urban said they'll let me know who won so I can also post about it here.

Another huge thanks to @renegadeprovisionsco for donating the hanks, and @LeftyEDC / @knifepivotlube412 for donating the lube and swabs!

Giveaway Prizes
1) Urban EDC Nessie - Brown Micarta
The Nessie: https://urbanedcsupply.com/products/urban-edc-supply-nessie-m390-brown-micarta-exclusive?rfsn=6236743.c23de69&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=6236743.c23de69

2) Autmog "36 Pen" - Titanium - Pilot G2-05 refill
Incredible, precision-lathed pens made up in Vancouver, BC.
Website: https://www.autmog.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/autmog/

3) TriiAxis EDC Tweezers - Titanium - Color Fade
Small, new knife maker doing truly next-level machining here in the states! This guy is the next Grimsmo -- seriously!
Website: https://triiaxis.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/triiaxis
IG (Behind The Scenes): https://www.instagram.com/split141

4) Renegade Provisions Co - Cotton Flannel Hanks
Website: renegadeprovisionsco.com
IG (Business): https://www.instagram.com/renegade.provisionsco
IG (Personal): https://www.instagram.com/renegade.edc

5) KPL Pack - Reg & Heavy Lube, Microfiber Swabs
Website: https://knifepivotlube.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/knifepivotlube
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftyedc