Qvist Bladeworks Variant PE V3 & Variant - Small Details Review - Swayback Framelock Slipjoint Knife

Published: 2 years ago

How do these keep getting better and better?! Today we're checking out the brand new v3 of the @JacobLundquistDesign Variant P.E. (Production Edition). This one is a HUGE step up from what was already a spectacular knife. We're also taking a look at the Variant's lil' brother, a spectacular 5th pcoket slipjoint called the Vanish!

The Vanish is available via a Kickstarter (ending 12/02/2022) and a pre-sale on Jacob's website:
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/qvistbladeworks/the-vanish-a-modern-swayback-slip-joint
Website: https://qvistbladeworks.com/Vanish-Kickstarter-&-Pre-Sale-c130599018

You can ALSO find the Variant pre-order (and other Qvist Bladeworks knives) over on Urban EDC Supply: https://urbanedcsupply.com/search/?rfsn=6236743.c23de69&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=6236743.c23de69&type=product&q=qvist
(That link there helps out the channel!)

And finally don't forget to check Jacob out on Instagram: https://instagram.com/qvist_bladeworks

00:00 I'M BACK!
00:38 It's fair to say I love this knife
02:18 Don't Miss The Kickstarter and Pre-Sale!
02:32 Variant PE Evolution
04:58 The Blades: What's Improved
08:35 Cutting Performance
11:24 The Blades: What Hasn't Changed
13:16 Jimping Improvements
14:06 Lockbar Access
15:37 Frame Lock (Potential) "Issues"
17:05 Opening Methods
19:17 The Scales
19:30 Weight & Balance
21:37 Carry Pros
21:57 New (Reversible) Milled Ti Clip
24:56 Carry Woes
26:42 Should The Lockbar Relief Be Internal?
28:58 Action
30:54 The SOUND!
31:48 The Price & Value
33:58 Colorways
34:31 The Vanish!
35:54 Two Handed Opening
36:21 The Feel & Unique Sound
37:51 A Necessary Evil Design Choice
38:19 How Slipjoints Work
41:02 A Unique & Amazing Closing Sound (More Slipjoint Design Background)
45:08 Lanyard Hole Instead of Clip
45:47 Chamfer Finishing
46:24 Weight & Balance
47:32 Cutting Performance
49:57 Final Thoughts & Value
50:45 Pre-Order vs Pre-Sale vs Kickstarter
51:54 FINAL Final Thoughts