My Top 5 Button / Plunge Style Locking Knives. Let’s see what I still vibe with!
Published: 1 year ago
My Top 5 Button / Plunge Style Locking Knives. Let’s see what I still vibe with!
HM: Civivi - Quibit
5. Mr. Mr. Designs - Zero
4. Maxace - Babylon
3. Pro-Tech - Mordax
2. WE - Mini Malice
1. Pro-Tech - Malibu
These are just my Top 5! These are the top button locks I have kept in the collection!! What have I missed?
HM: Civivi - Quibit
5. Mr. Mr. Designs - Zero
4. Maxace - Babylon
3. Pro-Tech - Mordax
2. WE - Mini Malice
1. Pro-Tech - Malibu
These are just my Top 5! These are the top button locks I have kept in the collection!! What have I missed?