A Benchmade Unboxing! Plus 3 Questions Answered.

Published: 7 years ago

Unboxing a Benchmade today, a model recommended by many of you, so thanks for your suggestions!

Also answering three questions from Stassa23: my newest aquisition, current most carried edc, and favorite budget knife. Fun thing to do, especially since the Ruike is such an interesting knife that I'll be reviewing soon. As for the Freek, I think it will be an excellent user Benchmade with great steel at the $100 price point. Really excited to start carrying it.

Kevin Cleary's Benchmade Freek Review: https://youtu.be/Wy8e-TpKQ8k

Stassa23 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkuGcmu6VkelAQt-mrGW5Ig


Soon: Spyderco Stretch, a salt water corrosion test, and that Ruike!

Thanks for watching and take care!