CRKT Amicus Mod Take 2: In Depth Look at the Etch

Published: 7 years ago

Was on the fence about uploading this one, but I thought there might be enough good bits of info for anyone into mods oretching. Also, I will be filming a quick look at the actual etching process in the next few weeks for anyone looking for insight into that aspect of it.

As for the knife: this one has been a journey. A long and humbling journey. As someone who sells knives (though not for a living, just part of the hobby) the idea of a knife lost in the mail is always in the back of my mind. The fact that it happened with the most important knife I've ever worked on, and it was due in large part to my oversight, was embarrassing. Making this situation right was the only solution, and I look forward to my friend getting the knife he deserves.

The mods as a whole came out better than the first time. The knife is more functional too. In pictures though, the knife looks almost exactly the same as the first one, which is pretty neat. This is a really good model to work on by the way, a nice strong stainless steel framelock. Good design by Voxnaes, good execution except for the blade grind (wonky) by CRKT.

Soon: Steel talk, Dear CRKT, Spyderco sprint runs!

Thanks for watching and take care!