CJRB Ria & CRKT CEO Micarta Variants: Part 1 - Review & Teardowns (Knife Review)

Published: 4 years ago

Taking a look at both the CJRB Ria & CRKT CEO in micarta. The positives, the drawbacks, all that good stuff.

Specs for the CJRB Ria:
2.8" AR-RPM9 blade with 2.45mm stock thickness
2.1 oz / 59.5 gram weight
0.45" handle width
Liner lock
Ceramic bearings & detent

Specs for the CRKT CEO:
3.2" Smokewashed D2 blade with 2.2mm stock thickness
2.17 oz / 61.5 gram weight
0.45" handle width (but tapers toward the butt end)
Liner lock
Steel bearings & detent