Kitchen Kutlery: TwoSun TS504-DM 7.5" Chef in 10Cr15MoV & G10 (Knife Content)

Published: 4 years ago

This is one of TwoSun's "Red and Black" series, I'll call it. This is the chef knife. Despite it's heft, it's a bit smaller than most, being 7.5" of cutting length and shorter than a lot as well. Probably make a great knife for someone who doesn't like tall blades, but still wants some weight to help with cutting.

Or, if you're on the fancy side, it'd make a great knife for the grill. With the 10Cr15MoV having 15% chromium, it'd do quite well hanging out side as long as you're not too close to the sea.

It's quite a nice knife and very attractive, but it's shorter length and long handle doesn't place it at the top of my list.