Kitchen Kutlery: Messermeister Asian Precision Santoku (Knife Content)

Published: 3 years ago

I've had and used this thing for close to 13 years. As far as German-made cutlery, Messermeister is my favorite group. This is obviously made in Japan though. They made some of the first moves of the whole "east meets west" expansion that European countries have been doing for a long time.

While I can't find any solid info on the blade steel by a quick internet search, I'm damned sure they're AUS-8 steel. I don't remember exactly if that was imparted by an older catalog, or possibly by a Messermeister representative who visited us once in the cutlery shop.

The handles, which I always knew were POM, I didn't know that they're POM-impregnated wood. I suppose that makes sense as to how the handle's worn down a little bit over the years.

Anyway, nice inexpensive santoku that really sold me on the form factor of the knife in general.