Ramblings of aftermarket stonewashing (Knife Content)

Published: 3 years ago

I recently got into stone washing some of my blades. The initial reason for it was that a few of my knives were quite scratched up... usually from trying to use "the beast" stone on my KME, but that's beside the point.

I express my thoughts and the trial/errors I hit along the way, and found what works best for me.

I haven't tried to acid-wash the blades first, as I'm not super concerned about the color of the blades, just easing the scratches.

Here's a link to the rock tumbler I decided on (not an affiliate link):

And a link to the ceramic media used in the final step:

Knives featured:
Twosun TS76-UP NightMorning green/black G10 frame lock
TwoSun TS222 Jelly-Jerry recurve tanto
TwoSun TS248 Max Tkachuk dagger
TwoSun TS273 NightMorning orange G10 frame lock
TwoSun TS277 NightMorning grey & orange G10 liner lock