Slippy-J Sunday: TwoSun TS254-Solid Rattlesnake Design (Knife Content)

Published: 3 years ago

Remember how I gave a lot of praise to the TS200 integral rather recently? This one doesn't deserve anywhere near as much praise.

The spring tension on this is incredibly pallid. That mixed with the ergonomics forcing your thumb up onto the blade ramp, doesn't instill a lot of confidence that you won't slap this thing back to it's half-stop in between cuts. It also has a short amount of travel when closed before blade wrap happens. That can also be exacerbated by using the pocket clip.

I think the problem with the spring tension came from a cost-cutting measure in the design. Rather than having the titanium be used for the back spring, they've removed that altogether and screwed in a steel back spring. This is most likely where the spring can have a lot that can go wrong, and this might be up in the air as to if it's common, or unique to mine.

It's still a nice piece, but yeah... nowhere near my favorite.

2.7" M390 blade with 3.8 mm stock thickness
3.13 oz / 88.5 gram weight
0.50" handle thickness (Ti Integral)
Phosphor Bronze washers