WorkSharp Precision Edge: Extended Use Update (Knife Content)

Published: 3 years ago

I've sharpened just shy of 200 knives on this thing since I've picked it up, so I decided to do a return to review it again, and point out anything annoying or great about it.

By far the thing that's probably the most irritating is that the coarse stone wears out pretty quickly. That is, when you're reprofiling knives to your desired angle. Once you're there on your knives though, they do a lot of work before they need to be replaced. Luckily they're a cheap and easy replacement, but you do need to order the stones directly from them.

I'd love for them to sell some different triangle sets, especially a coarse set. I'm thinkin' something like 180/240/320 grits, or 240/320/400. Maybe they will eventually, but they're not moving very fast on offering additional grits at the moment.