Slippy-J Sunday: TwoSun TS221 Jelly-Jerry Design in M390 & CF

Published: 3 years ago

Got another fun slipjoint here. This is a Jelly-Jerry design that doesn't command the prices for his locking blades.

It's recently been revised, but only a change in the blade fuller has been made. It reduced the weight by a whole gram!

This thing is a nice lightweight slipjoint that also comes with a pocket clip. The blade sits comfortably below 3". I might have wanted a bit of a thinner blade stock, but it still cuts well.

The two examples of the "UP" version that I have seem to have a great heat treat as it took forever and a day (well, several hours) to fully sharpen up to both 15 and 17 degrees.

2.91" M390 blade with 4mm stock thickness
2.58 oz / 73 gram weight
0.48" handle thickness (CF)
Phosphor Bronze Washers