Slippy-J Sunday: TwoSun TS244 Double-detent from YX Designs in CF & M390

Published: 3 years ago

Another Double-detent knife. This one is very similar to the TS241. I didn't feel the need to tear down this particular model as I've already done so with the TS241, and it's pretty much identical inside.

Nice top flipper, and fun to play with. This one changes the blade shape and steel as well. My particular model's M390 performs middle of the road.

Something I've noticed with these double-detent "friction folders" is that you have to be careful when stropping the blade... both of these don't have a strong detent when open, so the blade can disengage when stropping. It's not gonna cut you as a result, but it can be mildly annoying.

I do think this blade shape is more conducive to the work it's capable of than the Bowie-esque shape of the 241, so I do prefer this one.

2.75" M390 blade with 3.1 mm stock thickness
1.78 oz / 50.5 gram weight
0.48" handle thickness (CF)
Ceramic bearings & detent ball