TwoSun Tuesday: TS205-Drop RattleSnake Design Ti Integral* in M390 Steel

Published: 3 years ago

Lot of strangeness with this one.

It's an integral, but maybe that should be in quotes. It's cut out, milled and then folded over like a taco, rather than being milled out of a billet of titanium. Because of that, they're not perfectly even.

Due to the large gap at the top where the blade is exposed, I would highly suggest NOT carrying this thing. It can and will cut you, and pretty deep to boot.

It's decently comfortable while open. It's interesting that it uses brass-caged bearings rather than nylon that other models use. Probably for the best as there isn't a supremely graceful way to disassemble it without putting some torque pressure on them (they're wedged halfway in the handle and halfway in the blade).

I'm glad I got a great deal on this thing. It's currently my only locking integral knife, but it seems like there's much better options out there. TS66 would be my suggestion. The TS100 is also an integral, but I believe it's constructed a lot like this, with a similar blade to the TS16 (which is also used in the TS88). The TS140 Bowhead and the TS195 are also better options than this.

3.3" M390 blade with 4 mm stock thickness
3.64 oz / 103 gram weight
0.50" handle thickness (Ti)
Frame Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball