Kizer Begleiter 2 Vs OG

Published: 3 years ago

Neat, just got in a Kizer Begleighter 2, so I figured I'd talk about differences since I have an original.

I'm pretty sure they have more versions coming, but this was the only model I've seen available thus far. Has the carbon fiber laminate on G10. Interestingly, it's polished, but has a fair amount of texture due to... topographical differences in weave directions, I think.

This thing is stupid drop-shutty thanks to using tiny ceramic bearings. Since the blacking on the blade is nice and smooth, you don't have friction being added from that either.

Detent releases with a satisfying pop. It's pretty difficult to fail a deploy, but it's possible if you, say, hold the knife vertically, and your thumb slips off the thumb stud at the last moment.

Jimping as been added to the spine of the blade, and a deep carry pocket clip is utilized, that's able to be mounted for lefties. Screws sit flush in the pocket clip, but it is mounted on top of, rather than nestled in the scales.

The other difference is a reduction in size overall. Slightly thinner blade, slightly shorter blade which translated to the handle as well.

Begleighter 2 Specs:
3.49" N690 blade with 3 mm stock thickness
3.13 oz / 89 gram weight
0.475" handle thickness (G10-CF laminate)
Liner Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball

OG Specs:
3.6" VG-10 blade with 3.2 mm stock thickness
3.79 oz / 107.5 gram weight
0.49" handle thickness (G10)
Liner Lock
Nylon/bronze washers