TwoSun Tuesday: TS222 "Titan" Jelly-Jerry Design in G10 with 14C28N Blade

Published: 3 years ago

I haven't seen this one available for quite a while, so it's possible it was discontinued. Of course the last couple times I've said that, I've immediately seen more go up on eBay after the video comes out.

This beefy set of kit is known as the "Titan" and I can see why. It almost weights 6 ounces, the handle is very thick, and it's got a very capable blade on it.

That blade was one of my first batch of stonewashing, and I think it looks like one of the nicest ones for whatever reason. Compound grind at the tip, a gradual recurve and a fuller to boot. Slices pretty effectively as well.

The handle is quite thick, but because of that, feels a bit more like a fixed blade in the hands. It's NOT a discreet carry by any stretch of the imagination.

To my knowledge, this was designed as a budget piece from the get-go, not having a higher end titanium framelock variant.

3.75" 14C28N blade with 3.75 mm stock thickness
5.88 oz / 166.5 gram weight
0.65" handle thickness (G10)
Liner Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball