TwoSun Tuesday: TS341 "Sidewinder" in Ti & CF with 3.12" D2 Blade

Published: 2 years ago

Well, this thing is a bit interesting. Yes, it's another one in a series of new knives that are in D2. It is what it is, and their D2 has performed quite well, so I don't mind that aspect, but yes, people are fairly bored with it these days.

This thing took me a bit of practice to be able to open it easily, from the front flipper. It LOOKS like you can top flip it when it's closed, but I've yet to successfully do it.

However, this thing also has a large fuller at the top that makes it very easy to spidey flick or slow roll it open with a thumb. Due to this fuller though, it's a high saber grind rather than a full flat grind. It still cuts comfortably.

It's also close to, if not, a leaf-shape blade which I appreciate. That might be due to me carrying Spyderco Native/Chief and Manix 2 XL's for MANY years so I'm used to it.

This one's pocket clip is a little easier to deal with than Mazwan's others, but it still shares that round single point that he does with his clips. This clip just has more flex than the others.

3.12" D2 blade with 3.8 mm stock thickness
3.94 oz / 111.5 gram weight
0.54" handle thickness (Ti & CF Bolster)
Frame Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball