Sencut Sachse: Review & Comparison to the Civivi Conspirator

Published: 2 years ago

This is interesting to me. That they've made button locks down to a lower price point than Civivi. To be clear, I still think the Civivi Conspirator is the superior knife in terms of steel, action, deployments & ergonomics. But their micarta is basically the same material (with a coarser finish on the Sencut) and they both feel about the same in build quality.

I usually like thumbstuds on knives, but there's a few caveats to that. Most button locks' detents don't feel great in combination with them, and they should usually be placed over a sharpening choil so they're not in the cutting path. This one's serviceable, but not my favorite.

The 9Cr blade does bring the price down compared to the Consipirator, since they don't need to import the steel, but I still think you're getting a better bargain with the Conspirator's Nitro-V for their price points.

It's a bit surprising to me that vendors other than Amazon are carrying these now. I got this one from White Mountain Knives, but they've also shown up on BladeHQ and others.

3.48" (88.4mm) 9Cr18MoV blade with 3mm stock thickness
3.59 oz / 101.5 gram weight
0.53" (13.4mm) handle thickness (Micarta)
Button Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball
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