Unboxing & First Impressions: Kizer, Kershaw & Mocenary knives

Published: 2 years ago

Kizer Matansas Specs:
3.44" (87.3 mm) CPM-S35VN blade with 3.45 mm stock thickness
3.84 oz / 109 gram weight
0.47" (12 mm) handle thickness (Ti & Micarta)
Frame Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball
Link Where Purchased: https://www.bladehq.com/item--Kizer-Nick-Swan-Matanzas-Frame-Lock--114295

Kershaw Launch 6 Specs:
3.73" (94.8 mm) CPM154 blade with 3 mm stock thickness
3.75 oz / 106 gram weight
0.48" (12.1 mm) handle thickness (Aluminum)
Button Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball
Link Where Purchased: https://www.bladehq.com/item--Kershaw-Launch-6-Automatic-Knife--89520

Mocenary MK-08 Specs:
3.4" (86.5 mm) D2 blade with 4 mm stock thickness
4.44 oz / 126 gram weight
0.62" (15.7 mm) handle thickness (Micarta & G10)
Liner Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball
Link Where Purchased: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256804677733960.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.6.4511891f8PxQGl&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%2442.99%21US%20%2442.99%21%21%21%21%21%402101d64d16684977228578491e0a61%2112000030798775788%21sh

(quick) TwoSun TS246 Snakewood Specs:
2.75" Damascus blade with 3.5 mm stock thickness
2.55 oz / 72 gram weight
0.59" handle thickness (Snakewood)
Phosphor Bronze washers
Link Where Purchased: https://www.ebay.com/itm/364024968338

Kizer Drop Bear Specs:
2.94" (74.7 mm) 154CM blade with 2.75 mm stock thickness
3.72 oz / 105 gram weight
0.49" (12.5 mm) handle thickness (Aluminum)
Crossbar Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball
Link Where Purchased: https://whitemountainknives.com/kizer-drop-bear-folding-knife-gray-aluminum-handle-154cm-plain-edge-satin-finish-v3619c1/

Kizer Escort Richlite Specs:
3.27" (83.1 mm) 154CM blade with 2.8 mm stock thickness
3.75 oz / 106 gram weight
0.48" (12.2 mm) handle thickness (Richlite)
Crossbar Lock
Ceramic bearings & detent ball
Link Where Purchased: https://whitemountainknives.com/kizer-escort-folding-knife-red-richlite-handle-154cm-drop-point-plain-black-blade-v4481c1/