The discontinued Benchmade Arvensis, "pertaining to the fields" a larger fixed blade knife in hand.

Published: 2 years ago

Arvensis, Latin:

Pertaining to fields
arvensis,-e (adj. B): agricultural; pertaining to fields or cultivated land; “living in open fields” (Lindley); “growing in or pertaining to cultivated fields” (Stearn 1996)

Benchmade, to my knowledge does not make fixed blade knives of this size anymore which to me is a sad thing. Seeing it in action on other channels shows itself to be a rugged and fairly capable blade.
Question to the modern warfighters out there, could you see incorporating this into your kit? robust enough to open crates, make a hooch and maybe stick a bad guy in the face?

With that in mind, tank you for watching, please subscribe and as always, "Have A Knife Day."