What did you get for Christmas? Have you seen the KA-BAR combat Kukri?

Published: 2 years ago

Once upon a time I worked at a friends military surplus store selling various military surplus and of course knives. It's a great place to find discontinued hard to find things. I stopped by to get some pants and my friend let me pick out a blade. I picked the KA-BAR combat Kukri. I've helped sell many of these to people but I've never owned one myself.
So today I'll be sharing not only this but I'll be sharing my Nepalese made Kukri from Khukuri House. I feel that it is important to always have a Nepalese blade to show the differences to what I refer to as KLO's aka Kukri Like Objects. Much as champagne is only champagne if it comes from the champagne region of France, kukri's only come from Nepal and everything else is just sparkling wine aka KLO's.
So sit back and enjoy what Santa brought me for Christmas.

Khukuri House

KA-BAR combat kukri