The 2023 Solvang Custom Knife show at the Table of Steve Hoel of Steve Hoel Knives.

Published: 1 year ago

What happens when you take a small Danish village and put in a beautiful valley in California? Why, you get the city of Solvang. But what makes this place even better is the Solvang Custom Knife show. Not only are these blades beautiful but you get to meet the makers themselves. so, this is The 2023 Solvang Custom Knife show at the Table of Steve Hoel of Steve Hoel Knives.

More about Steve Hoel below the links.

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Solvang Custom Knife Show

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Steve Hoel
Pine, Arizona, USA
Member: 1993-2021

Steve Hoel made his first fixed blade knife in 1953. In 1974 Steve Hoel ventured to California, where he spent three days in the shop of Bob Loveless and Steve R. Johnson, who were partners at that time. This was his first real exposure to the manufacturing process of high quality handmade knives.

Shortly thereafter he made his first interframe and multiblade folders. In 1978, he joined the Knifemakers Guild, and one year later he retired from his warehouse job and began making knives full time.

When Steve made his first knife in 1953, he did not have any sophisticated tooling. His simple manufacturing methods included files, sandpaper and drills.

Steve was one of the first to design his knife shapes for engraving. He worked closely with the master engravers to develop the engraveable art knife design.

Steve has developed the careers of many engravers and is still finding and developing new engraving talent today. His shop is now quite sophisticated and he is a master maker of folding knives.Website of Moro Knives