The Blade Sow 2023 boot of Spartan Blades. New products and end of show purchase.

Published: 1 year ago

I've know Spartan blades probably starting around 2015 being a big fan of their fixed blade knives, "owning one folder." In 2016 I attended my first All American week at Ft. Bragg, "since leaving Bragg in 93'." I tick the opportunity to visit their shop which was a reasonable distance from the base, took a tour and hung out with them at their local VFW.
They used to come to the CCKS California Custom Knife Show, attending several years at which I would purchase a blade to help offset their expenses. So, it was a real treat to be able to see them here and make my last purchase a Blade Show Atlanta. Please do enjoy the video.

Spartan Blades Website
Spartan Blades Instagram

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